Self Screening

How Do I Know if I Have a Voice or Speech Problem?

My voice makes it difficult for people to hear me.
I have noticed changes in my voice or speech.
People have difficulty understanding me, especially in a noisy room.
My voice is often hoarse or scratchy.
My voice issues limit my personal and social life.
At times, I run out of air when I speak.
Frequently, I am asked to repeat myself.
My speech is sometimes slurred or unclear.
I feel left out of conversations because of my voice.
My voice problem has affected my family/friends/coworkers or my job.
I feel like I’m yelling if I increase my volume.
My voice problem upsets me.
Some days my voice is better than on others.
I have difficulty pronouncing some letters and words.
People wonder, “What’s wrong with your voice?”
Here’s your next step… If you have noticed any changes in your voice or speech, the time to act is now. (832) 617-2797.

Train Your Voice!