
"Your Journey, My Passion."


We will work to solve this together. image

Speech problems are an invisible symptom of Parkinson’s disease, and they can isolate someone who needs support. Finding the necessary resources can prove difficult. Although challenging, your success will be our shared goal. I will see to it that you meet that goal. I understand your challenges, and your success means so much to me.

What has caused your voice to decline?

Parkinson’s Disease creates physical, emotional, and social challenges. Over time, you lose your ability to use your voice to connect with others and face isolation and loneliness. Others begin to leave or not include you in the conversation. I will help you understand the physical changes in your voice. Knowing the why behind what has happened will help you understand these challenges and help you find your voice.

Parkinson’s is a movement disorder. To maintain function, you have to keep moving. I’ll explain how your voice is affected neurologically due to the decrease in dopamine production. Due to the degenerative nature of the disease, you will always need to pursue a purposeful, mindful, and deliberate way of speaking. I will help you meet that goal.

Parkinson’s patients CAN and DO learn to speak with stronger, louder, and clearer voices.


You can put your trust in me.


Let’s talk about your needs and goals.

During this program, I will clearly communicate what you are to do to make your voice louder, stronger, and clearer. I’ll show you how you are to do it to achieve success. Steps to restore your voice will be modeled to reach your goals in communication. I am a coach and will communicate well all along the way to ensure your success. I am also your biggest cheerleader!

Parkinson’s Speech Recovery uses evidence-based therapy techniques that have been proven successful through decades of research. I can share this research with you.


There is HOPE


Let’s create a plan just for you.

We will start where you are and address your concerns. We will pinpoint and work on areas of most concern to you and those that will make the greatest impact on your ability to let your voice be heard.

I believe in you! No matter where you are today, you can make progress. You have the strength within you, and I will help you find it.


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The "SIX STEP" Program. image